Participants will learn more about meta-research by designing and starting to collect data for a meta-research study in a small team. Participants may choose to keep working after the summer school to complete and publish their project. (In English).
Concerned about the reproducibility and transparency of research? Interested in learning more about meta-research, or the science of science? Looking for hands-on experience? Excited to work with other early career researchers across disciplines?
Apply for the Meta-Science Summer School to learn more about meta-research by working collaboratively in a small team to design a meta-research study. After the summer school, some groups may decide to continue working with their instructors to complete and publish their study. The Meta-Science Summer School is organized in cooperation between the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), the German Reproducibility Network (GRN), the META REP Priority Program, iRise and the University of Coimbra EXCELScIOR project ERA chair.
Rather than focusing on a few pre-selected topics during the summer school, instructors will support participants in developing meta-reseach study proposals that are relevant to their own work and will provide value to the research community. An international group of experienced meta-researchers will work closely with each group to develop a study proposal.
More information here.