German Stem Cell Club - GSCC Lecture February 2025
The GSCC gathers each month online and in-person, to discuss science and network. January meeting with talks from Henner Farin, Frankfurt a. Main and Christian Regenbrecht, Berlin.
The GSCC gathers each month online and in-person, to discuss science and network. January meeting with talks from Henner Farin, Frankfurt a. Main and Christian Regenbrecht, Berlin.
Berlin Stem Cell Club - BSCC Lecture December 2024
The BSCC gathers each month online and in-person, to discuss science and network. December meeting with talks from Matthias Hebrok (Munich) and Anna Löwa (Berlin).
Berlin Stem Cell Club - BSCC Lecture November 2024
The BSCC gathers each month online and in-person, to discuss science and network. November meeting with talks from Carsten Marr (Munich) and Jan Philipp Juncker (Berlin).
The BSCC gathers each month online and in-person, to discuss science and network. October meeting with talks from Lukas Cyganek (Göttingen) and Anja Hellwig (Berlin).
Berlin Stem Cell Club - BSCC Lecture September 2024
The BSCC gathers each month on the first Thursday, online and in-person, to discuss science and network. This time with talks from Björn von Eyss, Jena, and Melissa Birol, Berlin.
The GSCC gathers each month online and in-person, to discuss science and network. January meeting with talks from Henner Farin, Frankfurt a. Main and Christian Regenbrecht, Berlin.
In this seminar series, jointly organized by Charité 3R and the FEM, interesting lectures on laboratory animal science, animal welfare and other 3R topics are offered.