3R Events

Collection of links to national and international 3R events

In Berlin

Berlin Stem Cell Club

The Berlin Stem Cell Club (BSCC) hosts a monthly meeting, in-person and online, every first Thursday of the month. Two short presentations (30 minutes) on current research topics will be given by an external speaker and a Berlin speaker. There will be time to discuss and network afterwards.  



The Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) QUEST Center regularly offers events and workshops for (junior) researchers. The aim is to make biomedical research more resourceful, reproducible and ethically justifiable. 


Charité 3R 

C3R, the institution of the Charité Berlin for the active support and implementation of the 3Rs in biomedical research, offers information for researchers (training, 3R service, 3R research funding, 3R events) and the interested public on animal experiments and 3R research stories



The German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals (Bf3R) regularly organizes (online) seminars on current scientific issues overlapping with 3R principles. 

All over Germany

Bundesnetzwerk 3R

In the event calendar of the Federal 3R Network you will find various nationwide (online) events relating to 3R research. 


3R-Netzwerk BW & 3R-Center Tübingen

The 3R-Center Tübingen and the 3R-Network Baden-Württemberg regularly offer webinars, workshops and conferences. The 3R webinar #Talking3RScience of the 3R Network BW takes place every month on the last Thursday from 5-6 pm. 


  3R Kompetenznetzwerk NRW

The 3R Kompetenznetzwerk NRW offers a monthly online colloquium. Renowned scientists are invited to speak on topics related to the 3R principle. 


TARCforce 3R

The TARCforce3R Center offers a monthly online event series with exciting topics related to the 3Rs in laboratory animal science.  


University of Gießen

International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL) Seminar: A monthly online seminar series in which topics such as in vivo and in vitro methods on laboratory animals, pain management and monitoring, animal experiment planning and statistical evaluation are discussed. The University of Giessen's calendar lists a variety of (online) events on laboratory animal science. 


International 3R Events


The event calendar of the Norwegian 3R Center offers a large overview of various international (online) events, conferences and workshops on the 3R principle.