Interactive format on 5.11.2024: A future without animal testing? Wish and the reality

Question, discuss, understand - where do you stand? An event by Einstein Foundation Berlin, Einstein Center 3R and Charité 3R

Si-Mposium 2024 | "Where Science Meets Technology in Simulating the Human Organism"- 12th September 2024

Join this symposium and delve into the fascinating world of technology and medicine convergence, specifically focusing on the development and application of human models. Register now, it's for free!

Call | NC3Rs International 3Rs Prize open for application

The prize is awarded for a paper that describes outstanding and original work that has or could have major impacts on the replacement, reduction or refinement.

Deadline: 01.05.2024


CAAT Humane Education and CAAT Reduction Grants

The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) is now accepting proposals for the 2023 Reduction and Humane Education Grants. The deadline for receipt of submissions is November 15, 2023.

Master students wanted!

The Hedtrich Lab (BIH) is recruiting two Master students for NAM projects: Medium optimization for a gut-lung multi organ-on-chip system / CRISPR-based Gene Editing.

BIONNALE Event | "Lab-on-the-Chip and 3R"

At the BIONNALE on 16.05.2023, Jens Kurreck (EC3R, TU Berlin) and Reyk Horland (TissUse GmbH) will talk about the transferability, reduction or even replacement of animal experiments in research.

Elephants & Butterflies | Cellular Fuel Cells

Philipp Mergenthaler is looking for biochemical mechanisms that prevent cell death in stroke patients and people with rare mitochondrial diseases.

Congratulations! | NAM Teaching Award of Berlin's Animal Welfare Officer

Ahmed Ali (EC3R Juniors member), Mathias Ziersch and Prof. Dr. Jens Kurreck (EC3R co-spokesperson) received the award for teaching alternative methods from the State Animal Welfare Officers.

Call | Proposals for new EC3R projects

We invite applications for collaborative research network projects on 3D tissue models to join the Einstein Center 3R (EC3R).

Guest Lecture 17.10.2022 | EC3R Visiting Expert Dr. Paul Holloway

The EC3R is pleased to invite you to the guest lecture of its first visiting expert, Dr. Paul Holloway (Oxford, UK) on "Modelling stroke in vitro using microfluidic technologies". Register until 14.10.2022!