[Translate to English:] Forschungsprojekte

6R - robustness, registration, reporting of 3R projects

The aim of the project by Dr. Maren Hülsemann (BIH), Dr. Ulf Tölch (BIH) and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl (BIH)) is to improve the quality of the models by creating a framework of measures and principles valid for…

Cross-species comparability and validity of disease models

This project by Prof. Dr. Andreas Hocke (Charité) and Prof. Dr. Achim Gruber (FU Berlin) acts as an imaging and analysis platform. In this, the cross-species comparability and informative value of disease…

3D bioprinting of human organ models

The method-centered project of Prof. Jens Kurreck (TU Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Albert Braeuning (BfR) offers within the Einstein Center the opportunity to produce human organ models from multiple cell types with…

Enhancing the maturation of complex human neuromuscular organoids for personalized medicine approaches

Growing two or more different tissues in a single functional organoid is a special challenge that Gouti-Lab has mastered with the generation of neuromuscular organoids. Such organoids enable the study of…

Human lung organoids for biomedical research as alternatives to animal models

The project of Dr. Anna Löwa (Charité) aims to further develop the lung model, which currently consists mainly of epithelial cells. The expansion of the model with further cell types is of great importance in…

A perfusable xeno-free human microvasculature-on-a-chip model to study vascular physiology and disease

Prof. Dr. Holger Gerhardt (MDC) and Prof. Dr. Peter Vajkoczy (Charité) are cooperating in this project. They aim to establish a 3D perfusable, self-assembling vascular network-on-a-chip model that can be…

Modelling cross-body organ dysfunction using human brain organoids to investigate neurodegenerative diseases

In their project, Dr. Philipp Mergenthaler (Charité/BIH), Dr. Harald Stachelscheid (Charité/BIH) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Meisel (Charité) are focusing on the influence of mechanisms of the immune system on the…

Engineering human heart tissue for functional diagnosis, drug testing, and therapy

In the project of Prof. Michael Gotthardt (MDC/Charité) and Dr. Sebastian Diecke (MDC/BIH), clinicians and basic scientists are working together. Their goal is to facilitate the transition from the laboratory…

Study of spatio­temporal epithelial-niche interplay in 3D intestinal organoids to improve standardization & reproducibility

The project of Prof. Dr. Michael Sigal (Charité), Prof. Dr. Britta Siegmund (Charité) and Prof. Jens Kurreck (TU Berlin) investigates specific parameters that influence the formation and growth of intestinal…